About Greenopedia

In an ideal world, every product on store shelves would nurture our bodies and the environment. Each would be designed and manufactured in a way that protects the well-being of the workers and animals that created it. Every label would be explained clearly and simply. And every industry would be properly regulated to ensure the health, safety, and longevity of its stakeholders.

Unfortunately, we don’t live in an ideal world, and we can’t wait for governments or brands to keep us safe. We need to rely on our own knowledge and common sense to make safer, healthier, and more sustainable choices. But there is a ton of information out there, and it takes time to sift through it and figure it all out. And as important as it is, it isn’t easy to set aside the time from our busy schedules to do it.

I started Greeno to help busy people like you (and me!) better understand the foods we eat and the products we bring into our homes. My goal was to figure out how to navigate the endless stream of confusing labels and marketing claims that compel us to buy products… products that unfortunately harm our health, the environment, and the animals and workers who make those products possible.

Through my time and research, I found that there are plenty of safer, healthier, and more sustainable alternatives that are just as convenient and effective as their unhealthier counterparts. Often times, these smaller brands don’t have the same budgets as multinationals, so their products just aren’t as well-marketed or as widely available in stores. Luckily, most are available online with a bit of hunting.

So, until the ideal world becomes a reality, I hope that you take advantage of my research efforts and enjoy what you learn. Please share the important stuff with friends and family and connect with us on social media to contribute your knowledge, experience, and any questions you may have.

Where does the information come from?

Each topic on Greenopedia is well-researched, primarily through published scientific studies, government standards, industry experts, and user forums. The articles then break down the vast and often technical information and present topics in a more casual way that is faster and easier to digest.

To close the loop, each article links to a group of products or services that have been specifically curated for that article and carefully vetted to ensure they meet the higher standards you’ve just learned about.

How do we earn money?

Please note that some (not all) links on Greenopedia are affiliate links, meaning that at no additional cost to you, we will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. This helps to cover our costs and keep this site running.




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