I try not to indulge in candy or gum too often, but when I do, I’m pretty careful about checking the ingredients first. I do that because I want to know what’s in it before I eat it. Pretty standard, I think.
The problem is that even some ‘healthier’ brands sometimes mask their less-desirable ingredients behind pleasant-sounding names. For example, pig tendons might be listed as ‘gelatin’. Or synthetic latex might be listed as ‘gum base’.
Not so appealing? Yeah, I get why they change the ingredient names. From a marketing perspective, it’s genius. From a consumer’s perspective, it’s kinda gross.
For example, I find the idea of eating candy that got its red coloring from squished beetles to be pretty disturbing. But even worse, this “hidden ingredient” is downright dangerous if your child is highly allergic to those beetles. NOTE: Skip red sweets that list “carmine” on the label to avoid this unsavory ingredient.
Below are other hidden ingredients you will find listed on popular treats and how to find their (more appealing) alternatives.
In this article
- Artificial colors and flavors
- Odd scents, shines, and colors
- Chewy candy and gum
- Candy from “real food” ingredients
Artificial colors and flavors
Artificial colors and flavors are manufactured in a lab from synthetic ingredients… sometimes hundreds or thousands of chemical ingredients. Manufacturers aren’t even required to list what those (hidden) ingredients are, as they are considered a “trade secret”.
Natural colors and flavors can be a better alternative, as they are derived from plant or animal sources. For example, vibrant fruits, vegetables, and botanicals such as blackberries, purple carrots, vanilla, or peppermint do a wonderful job of coloring and flavoring foods truly naturally.
However, it’s worth noting that “natural” colors and flavoring often still include some synthetic or genetically modified ingredients since the word “natural” is not regulated by the FDA. That said, ethical candy and gum makers that list “natural flavors” on their labels will usually describe where their natural flavors come from. Since there’s only so much room on the packaging, you often have to check their website.
For example, YumEarth lists “natural flavors” on their ingredients list, but if you visit their FAQ page you can see that they are fruit extracts only with no additional ingredients. You do have to dig a bit to find answers, which can be cumbersome. But once you find brands you like, you’re set.
Odd scents, shine, and colors
Castoreum is a hidden ingredient that makes candy and other treats smell like vanilla, strawberries or raspberries. It comes from the dried castor sacs near the anus of beavers. If you just cringed by reading that (I certainly did), choose alternatives that use pure vanilla extract or berry juice instead.
Confectioner’s glaze gives a shiny coating to jellybeans, candy corn, chocolates, and even some vitamins. Yes, vitamins! This nice-sounding ingredient is actually a secretion from a scaly insect from Thailand. As an alternative, look for beeswax on the label… if you’re not vegan. Natural vegan alternatives to confectioner’s glaze can be difficult to find — unfortunately, most alternatives are synthetic or petroleum-based.
NOTE: You may see this ingredient listed by one of its alternate names, such as shellac, natural glaze, candy glaze, or food glaze. It’s all the same thing – “confectioner’s glaze”.
Carmine is a red dye used as the “natural coloring” of some hard candies. It comes from crushed beetles and has been known to cause severe allergic reactions. (This is the ingredient I mentioned earlier.) Avoid “natural colors” in red candies and foods when the brand doesn’t say where their red coloring comes from. Instead, opt for red candies that use deeply pigmented plant-based colorings such as beets, purple or black carrots, black currants, elderberry, cranberries, or pomegranates.
Chewy candy and gum
Gum base is the main ingredient in chewing gum and often comes from petroleum or synthetic latex rubber. In other words, plastic. Yep. Yummy, right? Vegans should be aware that gum base may also contain lanolin (from sheep’s wool) or beeswax. Synthetic gum base is not biodegradable, which is a pretty good reason to avoid chewing it. And you definitely don’t want your kids to swallow it! For a healthier plant-based alternative, look for gum that lists chicle (a natural tree sap) or natural gum as its gum base. And it’s worth mentioning once you try natural gum, you’ll never go back. It tastes so much better than the synthetic crap.
Gelatin gives marshmallows, gummy candies, Jello, and jelly beans their thick, chewy texture. Gelatin is extracted from the skin, bones, and tendons of cows and pigs. That can be disturbing for some, but for vegans, it’s an outright no-can-do. Carrageenan is a plant-based thickener that is sometimes marketed as an alternative to gelatin. But studies show that carrageenan may be harmful to your health, so it’s not the alternative of choice. Instead, look for chewy treats that use pectin or agar agar as their thickener.
Candy from “real food” ingredients
I have personally sampled dozens of natural candies and gums (tough job; someone had to do it!) and feel obligated to share two important warnings:
- You might eat an entire package in a single sitting, and
- You will never be able to eat the chemical-filled crap again because once you taste “real food” candies, you will forever taste the chemicals in the other stuff.
If you can’t tell what’s in it, don’t buy it
Overall, look for foods and sweets made from real food ingredients that are fully listed on the label… or their website if there isn’t enough space on the label. Companies that are thoughtful about their products have no reason to hide their ingredients behind alternate names or trade secrets. These more conscious and transparent brands make it easy for you to know exactly what you’re buying.
Good to Know
- You can feel safe that candy is free from animal ingredients if it is labeled as “vegan” or displays the leaping bunny seal.
- Chicle is a sap that comes from the sapodilla tree, native to Central America. Chicle was originally used as the (natural) base for all chewing gum until synthetic rubber and petroleum gum bases were developed.
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- http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/cfrsearch.cfm?fr=501.22
- http://www.ams.usda.gov/AMSv1.0/getfile?dDocName=STELPRDC5088008
- http://www.drweil.com/drw/u/QAA401181/Is-Carrageenan-Safe.html
- http://www.cancer.org/treatment/treatmentsandsideeffects/complementaryandalternativemedicine/dietandnutrition/modified-citrus-pectin
- http://www.southerninnovator.org/index.php/environment/22
- http://www.peta.org/about/faq/What-is-gelatin-made-of.aspx
- https://pubs.acs.org/cen/whatstuff/85/8532sci2.html
- http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/blog/whole-story/myths-and-misconceptions-msg
- http://www.ewg.org/foodscores/content/natural-vs-artificial-flavors