You’ve heard that the air inside our homes is significantly more polluted than the air outside, right? In fact, some studies say it is three to five times more polluted! To top it off, our indoor air quality becomes even…
Browsing: Natural Home
So there you are, standing in the paint aisle, trying to figure out which brand to buy. The labels all spew the same stuff — low-VOC, no-VOC, long-lasting, durable, antibacterial, antimicrobial, quick-drying, eco-friendly, buy me!! But before you make any…
You’re already eating organic foods because they’re healthier for your body and the environment, right? Me too. And it’s probably safe to say that (like me) you favor organic personal care products because you want to nurture your hair and…
I aim to eat mostly organic foods and buy mostly organic skincare. But why? What does the term “organic” really entail? First, let’s clarify a few of the basics. 1. When we talk about “organic”, we are referring only to…
Babies spend most of their days sleeping… and pooping, eating and crying. 🥴 But mostly sleeping, especially the first 5 or 6 months, while their bodies are growing so quickly. This is such a critical time in their development –…
Buying the safest and healthiest baby crib mattress is a top concern for most parents — and for good reason. Babies, especially newborns, sleep most of the day away as their bodies adjust to their new environment outside the womb…
If you’re using biodegradable diapers and wipes because they don’t make your baby break out in a rash – fabulous! Biodegradable diapers are made from plant-based materials and are free from harmful chemicals and plastics, so they tend to be…
It’s probably just routine… you blow your nose and toss the tissue in the toilet. You grab hair from the shower drain and drop it in the loo. Tampons, q-tips, dental floss, cotton balls, cigarette butts… they’ve all taken the…
Reducing our exposure to mercury isn’t discussed nearly as much as limiting our exposure to BPA or phthalates, probably because mercury has been phased out of most consumer products. But we are exposed to mercury more than you’d think and…
Breaking any light bulb is annoying. But breaking a fluorescent bulb or tube is actually dangerous, because fluorescent lighting contains mercury dust, which is harmful to inhale. Mercury doesn’t absorb into the skin easily, so don’t freak out if you…